Physical Evidence
11 Page File
Warning This Section Does Contain Spoilers
11 Page File Notes
Individual Page Notes
Psychiatric Intake Original
- This document states DOB as July 17, 1941
- McGowan is admitted on July 7, 1967 involuntarily
- Mother claims McGowan has had periods of violent behavior and suspected neurological disease since birth
- This document shows father not present during admission
Custodial Incident Report
- This document dated July 18, 1967 is one day after inpatient initial psychiatric evaluation done on July 17, 1967
- McGowan has first altercation and is with a male employee
Yard Medical Injury Report
- This document is dated two months later on September 13, 1967 and is concerning a confrontation McGowan has in the yard when he is heard muttering.
Self Harm Report
- This document is dated one day later of September 14, 1967 and McGowan apparently tries to self harm
- Several injuries after being discovered in a nervous fit in his room
- Injuries to self include:
- Head
- Both arms
- Both hands
- Nose
- Chest
- Contusions to face and forehead
- Scratch marks on arms
- Contusions to chest and wrists
- May have hit wall with head repeatedly
Lilian Autopsy
- This is the autopsy for Lilian Grayson dated September 27, 1967
- Patient Number: 618
- Lilian's TOD is dated either September 23 or 26, 1967 at 2300 hours
- She had three attending doctors: G. Smith, J. Miller, W. Lowe
- Autopsy took 11 hours (0800-1900)
- COD: Blunt force trauma to the head, likely from wrench or tool
- Other injuries:
- 1 stab wound to neck,
- 2 stab wound to right palm,
- 13 stab wound to stomach,
- Effusion of blood from vagina,
- Inflammation of vulva
- Presence of seminal fluid
- Document initialed by "DS"
- Noted heightened levels of progestin and estradiol in blood contents
Reproduced Psych Eval
- Labeled "Initial Psychiatric Evaluation"
- Even though he was admitted on previous file on July 7, 1967
- Document is labeled as "Reproduced August 1997"
- Patient Number: 952
- Father: Patrick McGowan
- Mother: Aoife McGowan, nee Phelan
- Complaint:
- Patient exhibits nervous behavior.
- He appears confused.
- He does not speak.
- Admissions Note:
- Mother complains of violent outbursts.
- Father is abusive.
- Assessment:
- Danger to self
Curfew Incident Report
- Incident report dated August 22, 1967
- Document labeled as "Reproduced August 1997"
- McGown resisted curfew and it took two orderlies to get patient to room
- Patient shouted "bed" several time before calling out for his mother
- Labeled as second incident of a violent nature in a months time
- Note: patient possibly lashing out at male figures that remind him of his father
- Patient placed under Grade 2 close supervision
Reproduced Yard Report
- Incident report dated September 13, 1967
- Document labeled as "Reproduced August 1997"
- McGowan muttering to himself in the yard
- Phrases heard:
- Pilot
- Never be good
- Blew him up
- Said I can't do that
- Dad now
- Blue
- Special
- When asked to stop McGowan attacked another male patient with fists and open palms
- Dr. Richter decides to take more interest in patient
- Patient placed in room and treatment plan will be decided
Treatment Plan
- Treatment plan dated September 20, 1967
- Document labeled as "Reproduced August 1997"
- This report has McGowan's DOB as July 16, 1941
- Initiated by Dr. William Richter
- Patient to begin treatment with Mellaril
- Placed in full behavioral quarantine in new room, 316
- Restrain patient and keep door locked
- Orderly to check hourly until curfew at 2100
- Follow up in three months
Madson Letter
- Letter dated September 20, 1997 to George Madson, Vice President of LFoA from Dr. William Richter, Vice Precident of LF O'Brien
- From LFoA records George Madson didn't start with LFoA until 1998
- Dr. Richter thanking Madson for accepting McGowan for transfer and wants McGowan away from him
- Transfer to take place on October 2, 1997
Heather Letter
- No date listed for document
- Headed to Heather presumably at LFoA from George Madson
- Requests reduction of McGowan's medicine
- Wants to know what he has to say, if anything