Physical Evidence

Cassette Case

Warning This Section Does Contain Spoilers

This is an empty cassette case given to us by Jasper. It was given to him by Manny as a present. It looks to be a homemade tape. There was a side A and a side B with the following list of songs. 

Side A

  1. Body & Soul
  2. Straight, No Chaser
  3. Just A Gigolo
  4. Manteca
  5. Sweet & Lovely
  6. I Surrender, Dear

Side B

  1. Don't Blame Me
  2. Friday The 13th
  3. Dinah
  4. Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea

It also had a drawing of a fox and a rabbit on the front with knives in them.

Warning! This Website Does Contain Spoilers For The Hunt A KillerĀ® Cases!
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