Physical Evidence

Letter From Friend

Warning This Section Does Contain Spoilers

This letter is from our new Friend, Penelope Anne Hartwell. She is a convicted murderer and is incarcerated at the Second Chances Program at the Listening Friend of America. The Second Chances Program help to rehabilitate inmates until they are able to be released into society again. She begins her letter by introducing herself and telling us she is about six months from release. She goes on to tell us about her "second chance" and that she has been set up with an appeals attorney, Kingsley. She also mentions another inmate that keeps "checking her out" named, Sven. It seems he might become important at a later time. Important enough for her to single him out. She goes on to tell us her version of what happened the night her husband and son died, a story that slightly differs from what she told the police and the court. She is hoping we can help her out and assist in getting her released.

Warning! This Website Does Contain Spoilers For The Hunt A KillerĀ® Cases!
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