General Form
Warning This Section Does Contain Spoilers
The General Form on the LFoA Second Chance website (found on the slip of paper in the modelling sand from episode two), linked below, is almost fully filled out. To see how to get the password for this website please visit here. We are given another piece of this puzzle with the incident report as follows:
Username: I-976-VL (came from slip of paper in modelling sand episode two)
Password: hackeysack23 (came from slip of paper in modelling sand episode two)
Inspector Number: I-976-VL (came from slip of paper in modelling sand episode two)
Patient Number: 12279 (from several items including letters from Penny)
Case Number: 291874143 (came from case file episode one)
Current Location: 044404 (came from SC letters)
Therapy Reason:
34 - 8769 (both came from Penny letter episode three)
Priority Code Initial: 589022 (came from Penny letter episode three)
Priority Code Current: 0008 (came from incident report episode four)
Destination: 090009 (came from slip of paper research from modelling sane episode two)
Two Digit Cycle Code: 45 (came from COBRA Memo episode four)
Four Digit Index:
Authorisation Code: