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This is another article on Penny written by Jamie Ruhl, who has written about Penny previously. In this article she tells the stories of when Penny was a young girl and stayed with a friend whose pet at died. She helped plan a funeral and stayed with the friend all day and shared in his grief, even though this wasn't a particularly close friend of hers, although they did become close after this incident. Jamie Ruhl tells of another story that Penny stepped up and filled in for a girl that fell down the steps and broke her leg on the cheerleading squad, even though that meant Penny would be front and centre and would have to learn a whole set of new routines. It shows a side of Penny that Angela hasn't seen and that maybe haven't either. Is that side of her still in there?

Warning! This Website Does Contain Spoilers For The Hunt A KillerĀ® Cases!
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