About the BAU

Hunt A Killer With The BAU

Hunt A Killer With The BAU is the personal website belonging to Lisa D Smoot containing notes and theories on the Hunt A Killer cases (AwakeningInitiation, and Vindication; also the premium cases 1973 and Hawthorn Junction). Since it is all the personal thoughts and theories of Lisa D Smoot on the cases, some theories may be right, some may be wrong, but they are her thoughts nonetheless. Feel free to explore and look around but with the understanding that there will be spoilers to the evidence and cyphers for the cases.

Email Lisa:  lisa@huntakillerwiththebau.com

For Hunt A Killer Customer Service:

Call: 866-654-HUNT (4868)

Or email: sam@huntakiller.com 

For Hunt A Killer Members Area:

To sign up for Hunt A Killer please go to the link below!

Need additional help with cyphers? Visit Lisa's cypher tutorial page for more information on many cyphers!

What is Hunt A Killer?

It's an immersive story told thru the investigation of physical items and correspondence curated by a "Serial Killer" - delivered to your doorstep each month.

How much is membership?

Memberships start at $25 per month.

Is there a forum?

Yes! Please visit:

When do episodes ship?

If you ordered your first episode prior to January 26th, 2018 you will be billed on the 1st day of every month and your episode will ship on the 11th day of every month. 

If you ordered your first episode after January 26, 2018 you will be billed on the anniversary of your sign up date and your episode will be shipped out 3-5 business days later.


Lisa Smoot

Warning! This Website Does Contain Spoilers For The Hunt A KillerĀ® Cases!
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