
Dead Body Article

Dead Body Article

The boatman, Daniel Smith, states he found the body and thought she had swam out to the island and fallen asleep. This gives us a huge clue on the condition of the body. If the body was dumped in the water and floated down stream from L.F. O'Brien Asylum in New York, exact location unknown, it would have suffered water damage and been extremely bloated. Because he thought she had just fallen asleep this tells us the condition of the body was normal and not a "floater" at all. This means the body was driven to this island and placed there instead. The first place that the Susquehanna River goes thru New York is at Waverly, New York. This is approximately 200 miles from Weise Island. I don't think it's possible for the body to travel 200 miles down river in less than 36 hours confirming that this was a body dump on the island.

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