Nylon String
Warning This Section Does Contain Spoilers
Nylon String
- Clear piece of plastic nylon taped on back of sky chart with blue painters tape
- Has many different uses:
- Tooth brush bristle
- Hair brush bristle
- Carpet fiber
- Harp string
- Guitar string
- Insulation jacketing material
- Panty hose
- Parachute cord
- Tire cord
- Tents
- Ropes
- Ponchos
- Currency
- Machine screws and gears
- Meat wrappings
- Weed eater string
- The constellation Cygnus related to the constellation Orpheus and Orpheus plays a Lyre and the Lyra constellation is right next to Cygnus in our sky chart but right off the map
- Main conclusion is that this nylon string is included by JWJ to point us to the constellation Lyra