
Heck On Wheel Business Card

Warning This Section Does Contain Spoilers

The Heck On Wheels business card has the website listed below:

After visiting this website and after reading the Whispers From Theodorus and knowing that we are to find something deeper on this website than meets the eye. We also know because Bob tells us in his note that he left a door for us to find. On the bottom right corner of the website, in the black border of the footer, there is a small dragon swan symbol hidden link. After clicking this hidden link we come to a password protected page. Using the password "dragonswan" we can gain access. We are led to a total of eleven pictures of elderly women, all except one has a location on it. The locations as are follows: 

  • Put-In-Bay, Ohio
  • Oxford, Ohio
  • East Enterprise, Indiana
  • Taylorsville, Kentucky
  • Gainsville, Georgia
  • Shellman Bluff, Georgia
  • Libby, Montana
  • Moscow, Idaho
  • Cloverland, Washington and 
  • Wagontire. Oregon

The last picture does not have a location, presumably this is a picture of Anna. 

*Note - The states are not listed and are assumed.

Warning! This Website Does Contain Spoilers For The Hunt A KillerĀ® Cases!
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