

Warning This Section Does Contain Spoilers

After solving the wolf symbol message, to see how to solve that message please visit here, we are led to the following website:

Once we click on this website we are given three obvious buttons to click on. They say: The Harp, The Pedestal, and The Night. We will have to visit each of these to complete the season. First click on The Harp and you will be led to a password protected page. In episode three Aaron talks about us being an Eolian Harp to JWJ. 

"You are, as he says, the breeze that swells and flutters across the strings of his Eolian harp, playing his hymn for all to hear, transcending myth beyond the boundaries of time and space as it is meant to be."

So typing the word "Eolian" as our password, we can gain access to this section and are led to another rune message as below:

Using the same website we used before:

We can easily decode this to mean: I am the feral...

Now clicking on the "The Pedestal" we are again led to a password protected page. The letter from Aaron in episode four says: "They do not know it, but they put upon great marble pedestals those who have withered away." Using the word "Marble" as a password we can gain access to this locked area and are led to another block message. Using the same decryption process we used in episode four to decode the block message we can easily decode this block message:

This message says, "I am not the Lupus he..." We are now ready to decode the last button on the website that says "The Night". Clicking on this we are once again led to another password protected page, in Aaron's letter from episode five he says, "So breaks the dawn from the vast obsidian night, that which separates us all from out twilit past. Now is the occasion to begin, to reinvent." Using the word "Obsidian" as a password we gain access to this section of the website and are given another wolf symbol message like in episode six. 

Using the key we made earlier:

We can decode this message to say: "And you will see..."

All of these are partial sentences out of the last letter that Aaron has sent us. 

I am the feral...

I am not the Lupus he...

And you will see...

I am the feral wolf, I am not the Lupus he sought, And you will see truth... completed these sentences. Wolf. Sought. Truth. There is one last place to visit on Aaron's website. On the bottom middle of the page is a small white dot. clicking on this white dot we are led to another password protected page. Using these three words as our password, "WolfSoughtTruth" we gain access to this section of the website and are led to a final video that Aaron has been working on. 

While watching this video we can see that he has embedded a message in the movie. Using the wolf symbol message we can decode it to say:


Warning! This Website Does Contain Spoilers For The Hunt A KillerĀ® Cases!
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