
ID Badge

Warning This Section Does Contain Spoilers For Solving Cyphers For Episode Four

Clark Love's ID badge has a small red dot on the actual paper badge itself, visible when taken out of the plastic case. The red dot is the exact size of the center of the wheel of the gear. Placing the gear on the red dot we use Meg's travel list as directions and Bozeman as home base. First she is travelling to Waterton Lakes. Mapping from Waterton Lakes to Bozeman as follows:

Setting the gear on the red dot we find that the letter directly north of the dot is the letter "N" in "Name".

The next location she is travelling to is Theodore Roosevelt National Park as the following map shows:

Finding the letter going in the eastern direction from the center of our dot on our ID Badge is the letter "A" in the word "Assignment".

The next location she is travelling to is Payette as the following map shows:

This letter is going in a western direction from the center of our dot on our ID badge and falls on the letter "I" in the word "I.D.".

The last location she is visiting is Yellowstone as the following map shows:

This letter is going in a southern direction and falls on the letter "L" in the word "Licensed". 

Our final word spells out:


This is the title of the archive we are to open for this episode.

To see how to find the password for this archive please visit here.

Warning! This Website Does Contain Spoilers For The Hunt A KillerĀ® Cases!
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