
Cassette Case

Warning This Section Does Contain Spoilers For Solving Cyphers For Episode Five

Although this is not really a cypher, this is the method for discovering the password of the archives section. The cassette case has a list of songs on side A and side B which are the following:

Side A

  1. Body & Soul
  2. Straight, No Chaser
  3. Just A Gigolo
  4. Manteca
  5. Sweet & Lovely
  6. I Surrender, Dear

Side B

  1. Don't Blame Me
  2. Friday The 13th
  3. Dinah
  4. Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea

All the songs listed above are by the artist Thelonious Monk except Manteca. Manteca is the password for the archives for this episode and is the only song by singer Dizzy Gillespie. To see how to find the name of this archive please visit here.

Warning! This Website Does Contain Spoilers For The Hunt A KillerĀ® Cases!
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