
Clock Face Print

Warning This Section Does Contain Spoilers For Solving Cyphers For Episode Five

The hands on the clock face print have times and formulas written on them, not unlike the ones we used from episode two. Using the same grasshopper print (pictured above) from episode two to find the corresponding letters that match the formula we get the following letters:

06:29(5๐›‘/4) = A

02:39c = C

16:59(2๐›‘) = E

12:03(5๐›‘/3) = D

00:00(5๐›‘/4) = A

13:40(3๐›‘/2) = S

15:00(5๐›‘/4) = A

02:37(2๐›‘) = E

02:44u = U

01:58h = H

14:52(2๐›‘) = E

06:43(๐›‘/3) = M

10:01(2๐›‘) = E

05:21(๐›‘/4) = R

13:07(๐›‘/6) = I

15:11(3๐›‘/2) = S

01:26(4๐›‘/3) = T

07:36(๐›‘/6) = I

09:27(4๐›‘/3) = T

05:02(11๐›‘/6) = O

03:06(๐›‘/4) = R

04:32(2๐›‘) = E

09:52h = H

01:13(๐›‘/6) = I

00:15(๐›‘/3) = M

Now we must put all of the times in order military time starting with 00:00 and continuing from there as follows:

00:00(5๐›‘/4) = A

00:15(๐›‘/3) = M

01:13(๐›‘/6) = I

01:26(4๐›‘/3) = T

01:58h = H

02:37(2๐›‘) = E

02:39c = C

02:44u = U

03:06(๐›‘/4) = R

04:32(2๐›‘) = E

05:02(11๐›‘/6) = O

05:21(๐›‘/4) = R

06:29(5๐›‘/4) = A

06:43(๐›‘/3) = M

07:36(๐›‘/6) = I

09:27(4๐›‘/3) = T

09:52h = H

10:01(2๐›‘) = E

12:03(5๐›‘/3) = D

13:07(๐›‘/6) = I

13:40(3๐›‘/2) = S

14:52(2๐›‘) = E

15:00(5๐›‘/4) = A

15:11(3๐›‘/2) = S

16:59(2๐›‘) = E

We end up with the sentence of:

Am I the cure or am I the disease

Using the word "Disease" we find out next archive to open. To see how to get the password for this archive please visit here.

Warning! This Website Does Contain Spoilers For The Hunt A Killerยฎ Cases!
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