
Fire Escape Map

Warning This Section Does Contain Spoilers

This fire escape map gives the locations that each employee was murdered. The list is as follows:

#1 - Manuel Diaboemnos was murdered by Jasper but location not listed on the map.

#2 - Nathan Smith was murdered but location is not listed on the map.

#3 - Clark Love was murdered in the greenhouse.

#4 - Donovan Garver was murdered in the reception/lobby area.

#5 - Meghan Gibson was murdered in the office.

#6 - Mavis Wilson was murdered in the cafeteria.

#7 - Bowen Carlsson was murdered in the rec room.

#8 - Andie Mae Hummel was murdered in the infirmary. 

#9 - Jerri McKenna was murdered in the server room.

#10 - Esther Edena was murdered in one of the patient rooms.

#11 - Malcom Stevens was murdered in one of the patient rooms.

#12 - Willa Cortes was murdered either in the COBRA station on or on the way to the COBRA station.

#13 - Sheriff Dietrich was murdered but destination was not listed on the map.

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