Physical Evidence


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This month's COBRA Memo tells us that they tested Penny (12279) again and she failed yet again. There was a missing part on the components and instead of telling her Proctor (23), she ignored the Proctor completely and went straight to the presiding invigilator via the communication port. They have requested a replacement for this missing component. She then went through the motions of the rest of the test but stopped at the last element at exactly 19 minutes and started singing the song Aznavour's La Boheme under her breath for 65 seconds and then finished the test. The testers did not understand the cause of her delay or why she was singing but they are aware of her relationship with Sven (7166) and are requesting they be parted and for Penny to be immediately upgraded to the mysterious COBRA100 project. 

Warning! This Website Does Contain Spoilers For The Hunt A KillerĀ® Cases!
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