
Missing Person Report

Warning This Section Does Contain Spoilers

The missing person's report gives us some key pieces of information as to who is the body in the trunk. It helps to provide a timeline for where Angela was and how she intersected with Penny and where. It tells us that she told her mother that she was going to go to her brother's home that morning to pack up some things after she hung up with her on the phone. That was at approximately 8:15am on Sunday morning. Penny was last seen at the Luna General Store at 8:34am on Sunday morning buying bottle of water, a tarp, a box of garbage bags, and several travel-sized toiletries. Penny tells us in her letter that she went to her home and it stands to reason she went straight there before they would put police on the residence. She would have interceded with Angela there.

Something interesting to note... the approving officer on the missing person's report, Garland Burnett, was also on the damning financial document that the lawyer sent Penny in episode five. He made an ATM withdraw from the payoff account for the amount of $1,500.

Warning! This Website Does Contain Spoilers For The Hunt A KillerĀ® Cases!
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