Cross Stitch Pattern
Warning This Section Does Contain Spoilers
The cross stitch pattern uses information from Penny's letter to solve. In the post script (the P.S.) of Penny's letter she says:
"The key four this pattern will show you which colours two use, and where, I can't send you all the thread you'll need but if you split the thread, you should have enough of the ones that really count, in case they'll be useful to you later. I hope you find this cross-stitch project as much of a release as I did."
The words four and two are spelled incorrectly for this sentence. They should be spelled "for" and "to". "The key for this pattern will show you which colours to use..." Using the symbols only from colours number two and four (〇 \ >) (^ = / ▢), and shading those in on the cross stitch pattern only, we reveal the following message: