
General Form

Warning This Section Does Contain Spoilers

The Second Chance website of the LFoA has a "General Form" that we have been instructed, through the cypher in Penny's letter and also Sven's note, to fill out for Penny. We received the web address in the bag of modelling sand in episode two and the password was on the same slip of paper. 

We are given quite a bit of information so far but can't quite complete the form yet. The information we have been given is below.

Username: I-976-VL (username was on the slip of paper in the modelling sand from episode two)

Password: hackeysack23 (came from slip of paper in modelling sand episode two)

Inspector Number: I-976-VL (inspector number was on the slip of paper in the modelling sand from episode two)

Patient Number: 12279 (Penny's patient number is listed in numerous places)

Case Number: 291874143 (Penny's case number can be found in her court documents)

Current Location: 044404 (The facility number for the SC facility can be found on our SC Letters)


None (drop down menu, answer can be found from the cross stitch pattern cypher from episode three)


34 - 8769 (Penny points to these numbers in the post script of her letter from episode three)

Priority Code Initial: 589022 (Penny points to these numbers in the post script of her letter from episode three)

Destination: 090009 (This is the code for Alaska found on the slip of paper in the modelling sand from episode two)

We are still missing values for the following fields:

Priority Code Current:

Two Digit Cycle Code:

Four Digit Index:

Authorisation Code:

*Note - When you put an answer in correctly the field changes from red to green. 

Warning! This Website Does Contain Spoilers For The Hunt A KillerĀ® Cases!
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